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SEO - search engine optimization

What TF is SEO?

SEO – everyone is talking about it.

But wtf is it?

Is it just some nonsense buzzword or is it really the key to getting found online, growing your business, and making it to the first page of Google?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In short, good SEO makes your website more visible online. This in turn results in more traffic to your site and better chances of providing your product or service to a larger audience.

But why does SEO matter?google and search engine optimization

Consider this: when you type something into a search engine (like Google), how often do you go beyond the first page of results?

Not often.

75% of people will never scroll past the first page of a Google search. This is because the top few results on that first page usually contain the information that you’re looking for

So how does Google decide which websites should be appearing on that coveted first page? That’s where SEO comes in. By optimizing your website for search engines using relevant keywords and other factors (which we’ll get into shortly), you increase your chances of appearing on that first page… and subsequently getting more traffic to your site.

What does SEO actually consist of?

find the key to seoThere are several different elements that go into SEO.

Here are some of the most important elements of SEO:

  • Keyword research: finding the right keywords for your website and using them strategically in your content is critical for good SEO.
  • Backlink building: backlinks are links from other websites to yours, and they are a major ranking factor for search engines.
  • On-page optimization: optimizing individual pages of your website with keyword-rich, high-quality content.
  • Meta tags and descriptions: these are the snippets of text that appear in search engine results, and they play a critical role in getting more clicks to your website.
  • Content: developing well-written, informative content that engages readers and provides value is key to good SEO.

Why tf do I need SEO services?

You’re busy af running your business. Taking time to research keywords, write weekly blog posts, and get through SEO 101 how-to guides isn’t really a priority. You have more important things to do.

Hiring a professional digital marketing agency can help you tackle SEO in a more efficient way. They can handle all the heavy lifting for you so you can focus your energy.

Kush Media Group is a digital marketing agency, specializing in the cannabis industry. We know everything there is to know about SEO and the best ways of optimizing your website for search.

Contact us to learn more about our SEO services.