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marketing your cannabis business

How TF Do I Market My Cannabis Business?

You’ve got your shiny new cannabis business and you are raring to get it out there. But how do you market a potentially controversial product in an industry that’s still trying to shake off old stereotypes?

Marketing can be complicated for even normal industries with normal products and normal services. (Yawn!) But you’re not in a normal business at all. You’re a baller. You took the road less traveled – rad. But it comes with its own set of marketing challenges – very not rad.

Cannabis is a heavily-regulated industry and you have the added challenge of trying to present your cannabis business in a professional, but also friendly and approachable way. And you’ve gotta dodge the bullets of hostile ad policies and closed-minded people.

Here are some tips on marketing your company like a pro:

Develop a clear brand identity.developing a brand identity and website

Who do you think you are?

No, really. Who do you think you are?

Your brand and your tone of voice are super important – they define how people perceive you, so make sure that this is intentional and authentic. Be clear about what you stand for, who your target audience is, and how you want them to feel when they interact with your business.

Your brand should be consistent across all of your marketing channels, whether it’s a logo, tagline, or mission statement. Being clear and consistent will help your customers understand what you’re all about – and that’s key if you want to stand out in such a crowded market.

Engage with your customers.

Be good to your people and your people will be good to you.

Building relationships with your customers is key to any successful marketing strategy. You need to be able to understand their needs and wants so that you can market to them in the right ways and at the right times.

One way to engage with your customers is through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram – but make sure that you have a clear and consistent posting strategy so that you’re not spewing out random content all the time.

Whatever your marketing channels, make sure to maintain ongoing communication with your customers – respond to their questions quickly and be available for feedback whenever possible. This will help build trust and loyalty among your customer base and ultimately lead to more sales and revenue.

tips for marketing your cannabis businessHarness the power of a badass website.

Since traditional advertising is out, you need to have a truly kickass website. Your website is the key to finding your people and helping your people find you.

When people are searching for your store or products, are they finding you?

If not, then you may need to revamp your website and make sure that it’s optimized for search engines.

Say it with us: SEO.

SEO is the key to getting your website to the top of search results. This means optimizing your content for keywords, having a clear and concise URL structure, and including relevant schema markup wherever possible.

If you’re not super tech-savvy, then you need to give Kush Media Group a call (or email if you are anti-phone calls). We’re a cannabis marketing agency specializing in all things web, and we’d love to help you get your website rocking the right way.

Your website should also be easy to use so people can easily find what they are looking for. Make sure that all of the important information is clearly communicated, from your product offerings to business hours.

If you’re trying to get your cannabis business off the ground, Kush Media Group can help. We know cannabis. We know marketing. And we can help you put together a killer website that will stand out in this highly competitive industry.

This article just scratches the surface of cannabis marketing, but hopefully, it gives you a sense of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

With the right marketing strategy, you can come out on top and build a thriving cannabis business that your customers love.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us today and get ready to take your business higher.